Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Favorite Movies

rachel gets married- explores the life of a family that lives with a recovering alcoholic sister who has no filter when it comes to speeches and is self consumed. the movie is filmed with a raw feeling as if you are a fly on the wall in a personal weekend of a family going through a wedding.

john adams hbo miniseries- a seven dvd series that dives into the history of the start of our country. From scenes of graphic tar and feathering to signing the declaration of Independence to the struggles a family had with a political figure as a father this series is beautifully done and both inspires and equips you with great background knowledge of our country as well as a character that is not talked a lot about.

defiance- a favorite of mine. this movie is a great addition to one like Schlinders list. it shows you how some of the jews fought to outlive the war without going to concentration camps. They lived in the forests and lived as a commune. They fought and traveled through crazy situations. Very inspiring and informative.